I AM JOURNEYMAN is American songwriter, visual artist, and executive producer. Inspired by his 500-mile Camino de Santiago journey, Europe's most important pilgrimage, he has followed a path of creating immersive, journey-related artistic experiences that combine song, music, visual & performance art, installations, and storytelling.

JOURNEYMAN songs are uplifting, inspiring, and transformative. Song genres are contemporary pop, world music, blues, electronic dance music (EDM), and hip-hop infused. The vocalists are also as varied as the songs, each singing in their own lane.  

The foundation for JOURNEYMAN's collection of contemporary works is titled "THE CAMINO PROJECT." This project is not only based on JOURNEYMAN's personal Camino experiences, but also shaped by Camino lore and the experiences of others from around the world who seek (dare) to journey.

I Am Journeyman and pilgrims celebrated the second anniversary of the installation of “Laberinto del Camino,” a one-of-a-kind labyrinth, along the famous Camino de Santiago pilgrimage path in Palas de Rei, Spain. And what better way to celebrate its anniversary than to show you a video clip of the installation process, including popular “Laberinto del Camino” song as background music! Enjoy the journey!



May 11, 2024

Os Chacotes Park, Palas de Rei, Spain ~ Along the famous Camino de Santiago Path

The following video clips provide an overview of the installation of the Pilgrim Garden, an outdoor restorative space for Camino pilgrims, located along the Camino Francés path in Os Chacotes Park, Palas de Rei, Spain. Conceived by Peter Hlavin (also known as "I Am Journeyman"), an adventurous American Pilgrim, this installation is the result of collaboration with the vibrant community of Palas de Rei, dedicated volunteers, service providers, and fellow pilgrims. 

The design of the Pilgrim Garden is that of a pilgrim boot print, with a cobblestone and gravel walking path encircling the boot print. The outer boot tread marks (18) are represented by boxwood plants. The inner boot tread marks (6) are represented by repurposed granite Camino milestone markers (mojones) cut to a seat height of 45cm. Obsidian blue gravel, the same gravel used on the Camino path in Palas de Rei, is used for both the bootprint and outer walking path.

Using locally sourced materials such as granite cobblestones, sand, and gravel, the Pilgrim Garden reflects a commitment to Camino tradition and pilgrim/community involvement. Funding from Peter Hlavin, Concello de Palas de Rei, and generous donors made this vision a reality. The Pilgrim Garden, also known as Jardín del Peregrino, was unveiled on May 11, 2024, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the journey of discovery and serenity along the Camino.

“Heaven is a Circle” song, featuring Takeshia Seward, by Peter Hlavin and Pierre Washington. Producer Will LeMaster.

Video produced by Camino pilgrim, Piros Hejja, and I Am Journeyman. 

Copyright 2024 Journeyman LLC 

I Am JOURNEYMAN is pleased to present one of his latest hit songs:


This remix of his original classic has and a dynamic Latino vibe that'll make you want to dance! JOURNEYMAN partnered with Spanish Producer, Vismel Barrios, to make this one-of-a-kind song.

Click on the play button at the bottom of this webpage to listen to this song.

Enjoy and let's dance!

Laberinto del Camino - One-Year Anniversary Celebration


Laberinto del Camino - Select Labyrinth Colorings


JOURNEYMAN PRESENTS...Along the Way (Vol. 3): Journeys of Life

Click on the "Watch on YouTube" button in the lower left corner


LABERINTO del CAMINO - Palas de Rei, Spain


LABERINTO del CAMINO... From Heaven (Drone) Above!!!

Laberinto del Camino

Laberinto del Camino - Birth

Laberinto del Camino - The People

Journeyman Presents Album #2 (released February 2021)

